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裴勇俊,神話,東方神起,寶兒,RAIN,權相佑,李準基,朱智勳,金禎勳,7-SEVEN,元彬,玄彬, SS501,伊恩惠,李英愛,崔智友,孫藝珍,宋慧喬,金喜善,宋承憲,全智賢,SUPER JUNIOR ,SEVEN(宮S),

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About Prima Donna

Prima Donna 布馬多娜」,源自於義大利文『最佳女主角』,依字面可翻譯為「首席女高音」,但是在近代社會裡能被冠上「Prima Donna布馬多娜」名號的人已經少之又少了,所以Prima Donna一般普遍被用於「愛慕虛榮」之意。無論妳想成為最佳女主角或是妳只是想享受一下愛慕虛榮的感覺布馬多娜都能滿足妳,只要你到一趟「Prima Donna 布馬多娜」包妳滿載而歸,成為最有特色的女主角。
Prima Donna (diva)

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Originally used in opera companies, "prima donna" is Italian for "first lady". The term was used to designate the leading female singer in the opera company, the person to whom the prime roles would be given. The prima donna was normally, but not necessarily, a soprano. The corresponding term for the male lead (almost always a tenor) is "primo uomo".

Legendarily, these "prima donnas" were often regarded as egotistical, unreasonable and irritable, with a rather high opinion of themselves not shared by others. Although whether they are truly more vain or more hot-tempered than other singers (or than any other people in the opera houses) is not substantiated. The term often signifies a vain, obnoxious and temperamental person who, although irritating, cannot be done without.

Famous prima donnas have often caused opera enthusiasts to divide into opposing "clubs" supporting one singer over another. The rivalry between the respective fans of Maria Callas and Renata Tebaldi, for example, was one of the most famous of all opera, despite the friendship of the two singers. In recent times the term prima donna has almost become a synonym of diva and is used to designate popular female opera singers, especially sopranos.

The term "prima donna" is also the title of a song in Andrew Lloyd Webber's hit musical, The Phantom of the Opera. It refers to the ill-tempered character, Carlotta Giudicelli.


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